
What A Vision Tester Tests For

By Molly Morse

A vision tester refers to a piece of equipment utilized for testing different properties of sight in people. The gadget screens for various problems in sight and is important for little children. The device may be utilized to identify eye problems and sight impairments that might later on result in loss of eye vision or more harmful conditions. There are different makes of the equipment and all work in different ways.

Most eye conditions are easy to correct at a tender age than in maturity. This does not however mean that adults cannot have their eye sight screened for impairments. In fact, it is a basic requirement in certain careers that before a person is hired, there eye sight must be analyzed for suitability. Such careers include the army, security personnel, personal and public drivers, doctors, and pilots among others.

A vision testing equipment is capable of performing all the necessary tests and give back the feedback within a short period of time. The equipment is precise, fast, reliable, and a little expensive. The high cost of the machine makes services to be a bit expensive too. However, the correctness and reliability of the results makes the high service cost worthwhile.

The testing process is simple and short making it possible to be conducted in the office of an optician. The condition of the eye is revealed in a short while after the tests are conducted. Young children who are incapable of concentrating are at an advantage because this machine does not consume a lot of time. There are many generations of eye screening machines and the latest models have more powerful features than the previous ones.

There are many tests that this equipment can be used to do. Some of those tests include visual acuity, refraction, color vision test, and refraction. Visual acuity tests are used to gauge the ability of an eye to see details at near and far distances. It is the most common eye test carried out. Each eye is tested independently although some equipment allow testing of both eyes at the same time.

Refraction tests target at establishing refractive errors in eyes. They are done after visual acuity tests. Farsightedness and/or nearsightedness occur when eyes are not able to concentrate light from items on the retina properly. This results in blurred sight. These tests need to be carried out as a routine for those individuals who already use glasses and/or contact lenses. They could also be done in case the outcomes from visual acuity tests indicate that eyesight is below ordinary levels.

Visual field tests aim at determining presence of gaps in the peripheral vision. This examination requires one to focus their sight in a given direction and tell what they are able to see on the sides. Color test checks for the ability of an eye to differentiate between various color shades.

A vision tester is controllable through a remote control device or a PC. These models are tiny and portable for utilization in field applications. User manuals that accompany them explain full usage of the gadget explicitly making it capable to be used by users with little or no experience.

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