
The Hypothyroid Diet Breakfast

By Dr. Kevin Dobrzynski

Hypothyroidism is a condition where the thyroid gland delivers low amounts of hormones that help in performance of the body system. Among the symptoms of hypothyroidism is weight gain which comes as a result of slow metabolism hence the need for a proper hypothyroid diet.

It is important to eat right with the help of a proper hypothyroid diet especially when it comes to breakfast.

A healthy hypothyroid diet is important as it helps in speeding up the metabolism process in the body. The best way to boost your metabolism is by having a healthy meal each morning.

This is because your basal metabolic rate is at its highest point in the morning hence speeding up the process and a healthy meal will boost your metabolism.

However most people are not aware of this and end up not having breakfast but give more value to lunch and dinner.

A balanced diet should consist of vitamins, fats, protein, carbohydrates and other minerals which should be eaten in the same proportion.

It is important for the nutritional plan to consist of mineral selenium because it has a direct impact to the hormones produced by thyroid. Include Brazilian nuts, tomatoes and onions in your meals because they contain selenium.

Food with iodine like oatmeal, hazelnuts, cinnamon among others should be included in your early morning meal.

Vegetables such as tomatoes and carrots should also be included in your meal as they contain fiber and antioxidants which reduce the symptoms of hypothyroidism.

Fruits that have this mineral include pineapples, mangoes and strawberries which can be put on the side.

People with this disorder should take their nutritional plans very seriously especially breakfast. Foods with carbohydrates will boost your energy levels.

Sugar is important though it should be minimal in your diet. However carbohydrates should be consumed on a moderate level as they may have negative effects on your system like constipation.

Consulting a physician is also important as he or she will help you in knowing which plan suits you.

Some patients have other conditions that may not allow them to consume some minerals like iodine in large quantities.

Eat fortified cereals, lentils among others instead of fatty meat.

A meal comprising of scrambled eggs, low fat yogurt and fruits is good for you. In case you are on medication it is important to take your medicine one hour before taking breakfast.

Take your medication with water instead of juice for it to work properly. Do not include soybeans in your meals as it slows up the function of your medication.

However it is important to note that just because one is suffering from this condition does not mean that they have to watch the calories they consume or go on low fat diets.

Ensure that your meal plan does not contain minerals that slow up the function of thyroid. The type of food you eat should not make you gain more weight.

Do not skip this breakfast instead make it to be the most important meal of the day by settling for the right hypothyroid diet.

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