
For The Best Possible Natural Colon Cleansing Diet, There Are Several Things An Individual Can Do.

By Roxie Shynk

It is an intense diet, which consists of drinking plenty of water for a period of several days.

Apart from this, you can have special colon cleansing diet that can help your colon cleanse up leading to better health. You should think of some ways including good foods that can help your body clean from inside; else any treatment or medication for dealing with toxins may not be as effective, as you expect.

One of the best foods that are good for colon cleansing is raw egg yolk. Egg yolk contains many important vitamins and minerals that are required for your body. You can have at least one egg yolk daily unless the toxins level in your body is in control. There are many ways to have raw egg yolk. The best option is to mix it with some milk and have it. Another option is to add it to some fruit juice or vegetable juice.

If you do not complete a colon cleanse diet, you're not really getting the benefit of the diet given but you can try the diet again. The ideal colon cleanse diet is one that combines the fast with the cleanup. This is where you have to consume the essential nutrients to nourish your body and plenty of fluids to flush toxins from your system. The first thing to do in a colon cleansing diet is to eliminate foods from your diet that can make the job harder than it should. So you have to avoid foods like processed oils, caffeine, flour products, seafood, processed meats, dairy products, caffeine, alcohol, sugar, artificial flavors and other chemicals.

The next part of a colon cleanse diet is to substitute foods that you should not eat with foods that are rich in fiber. This is why colon cleansing diets are also called fiber diets. The reason you have to eat more fiber is because the fiber acts like a scrub in the colon wall that absorbs wastes and toxins to carry through its system of your body. While the average diet has enough fiber to do this, the required fiber diet increases your fiber intake to about 40-50 grams.

The third and last part of colon cleansing diet is to increase consumption of fruits and vegetables because these foods have enzymes that aid digestion. Most colon cleansing diets include herbal supplements that are used to help the digestive system guarantees the total elimination of waste and toxins from your body. The best herbs to use for this is psyllium and Aloe Vera.

Whatever the type of colon cleansing diet you can follow, they all serve the same purpose of emptying the colon of accumulated toxins and disease.

A well planned diet is a must for effective colon cleansing process. Always consult a specialist physician and seek one's guidance on what to eat and what to avoid. Explain all your symptoms of any disease so that your physician is able to relate the disease to toxins in your body.

Ensure that your diet consists primarily of fruits, vegetables, seeds, and beans. All these food items are rich in fiber which being soluble in water, prevents constipation. Also, the presence of chlorophyll in many green foods makes these a very good colon cleansing diet.

The most notable food items that you should avoid are coffee, black tea, soft drinks, potato chips and junk food, and pasteurized milk. If you take rice frequently, reduce its intake. Apart from these precautions, quit smoking if you smoke.

Plan your diet and try to have fresh fruits, low salt cheese, carrots or apple in breakfast. In the same way, have large salads of vegetables, one big steamed vegetable, millet, corn or home made soups in lunch. Eat your dinner about 2-3 hours before going to bed. Have salads, steamed vegetables, steamed or grilled fish as your dinner. Eat slowly and chew properly for required digestion of food. Also, drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water everyday.

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