
How To Build Muscle With High Intensity Resistance Training

By Russell Howe

High intensity interval training is not usually a response you would get if you asked someone for tips on how to build muscle. Yet, today you are going to find out why HIIT is one of the most effective ways to build more lean mass in considerably less time than other training protocols.

It might sound odd to use intervals as a resistance program, but it's easily possible.

When we think about HIIT, we usually think about cardiovascular exercise. However, that does not mean it is the only way of using it.

The earliest reports on this training protocol heavily featured resistance training, believe it or not. Coaches would often get their athletes to perform at nearly maximum intensity while in the gym to enhance their ability on the track. The fitness benefits are proven.

When you think about it, any weights workout bears striking resemblances to interval training. You train, you rest, you train, you rest, and so on.

It also takes a critical compound of interval training and let's you have the full benefits - that compound is the afterburn effect. This is where the body continues to burn calories and fat at an accelerated rate for almost 12 hours following a gym session.

Despite taking less time, interval based routines have been shown in various scientific research papers to burn off considerably more calories and body fat than straightforward aerobic activity.

The problem with resistance training, however, is that most gym members do not workout to their true weightlifting potential.

Spending too much time between your sets is a progress killer for most exercisers. Another is failure to push yourself hard enough. Many people tread water, lifting the same weights for years without pushing harder.

Failing to take care of those two problems will see any workout routine fall flat on it's own face. That's because the foundation of HIIT is low rest and maximum workloads.

So to incorporate this technique into resistance training, do the following...

Eliminate unnecessary rest. You shouldn't need more than sixty seconds to recover from a set. You can do this by using the stopwatch feature on your mobile phone, rather than using it to text your friends between sets. This will massively increase your workout's productivity, burning more fat as well.
The importance of diet is just one of the five rules touched upon in the video guide on how to build muscle accompanying today's article.

By increasing the workloads and decreasing rest periods, you will notice how much fitter you feel within just a few sessions.

Thanks to scientific research, high intensity interval training has now been proven as one of the best methods for fat loss and hypertrophy. If you want to see how to build muscle with this technique, implement it in to your routine immediately.

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