
Fruits And Vegetables Are Vital Components To The Anti-Inflammatory Lifestyle.

By Whitby Wruck

Eating copious amounts of the right types of these disease-fighting foods will allow you to improve your health, feel better, look better, and have more energy! Countless studies have shown eating fruits and vegetables decreases your risk of heart disease, various cancers, diabetes, and numerous other chronic diseases.

As the lining becomes more permeable than normal it allows microbes, undigested food, waste, toxins, or large macromolecules to enter.

However, if you are an athlete training for an event or simply engaging in regular heavy exercise, then these foods can be added to enhance your performance.

Whatever has caused it for you, you probably just wish the symptoms -- everything from acne and indigestion to anxiety and fatigue to joint pain and constipation, to name a few - would go away. Unfortunately, that wish can lead to treating just the symptoms. If you have Leaky Gut Disease, however, it's important that you don't just address the symptoms. You need to focus on the root causes of the condition.

If not the main one -- of these root causes is diet. While practitioners disagree on a lot of things about Leaky Gut Disease (whether it even really exists, for example), the diet primarily recommended for those suffering from it - the anti-inflammatory diet - is generally acknowledged to be a healthy one for almost everyone.

White willow bark is another inflammatory herb that helps in reducing pain.

The insoluble fiber found in fruits and vegetables also acts to further slow down the entrance of fructose into the bloodstream. The total glycemic load of a meal is also important.

If a high glycemic food, such as a banana is consumed with a low glycemic food such as a chicken breast, the effect on insulin levels will be much less drastic than if the banana was eaten alone.

Arnica is another herb that is widely used in treating pains and bruises. It can be taken in regulated doses or the mother tincture can be applied to the affected areas to reduce inflammation.

This is why the concept of glycemic load is even more important, because it takes into account not only the rate at which a food enters the bloodstream, but the amount of calories it contains.

This is very important because some foods have a very high total glycemic index, but do not contain many calories, so their glycemic load is relatively low. For example, a bagel and a serving of watermelon both have a glycemic index of 72, while the glycemic load of the fruit is a mere 4 compared to 25 for the bagel! The higher the glycemic load of your diet, the more insulin your body is producing.

[Needless to say, this article is for informational purposes only. It is in no way meant to be a substitute for professional medical advice. If you have any of the symptoms listed here or suspect you might have Leaky Gut Disease, consult your doctor.

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