
For Sleeve Gastrectomy New Jersey Is Worth Visiting

By Walter Cox

Mostly, obesity and overweight usually increase the risk of several health problems including certain cancers, diabetes, and heart diseases. It is not surprising that pregnant women who are overweight expose themselves together with their unborn children to both long term and short term health problems. As much as most people are familiar with the terms overweight and obesity they may not clearly grasp their meaning. When one needs Sleeve Gastrectomy New Jersey Offers the perfect location to visit.

There are various reasons why many individuals do not understand the meaning of these terms. Foremost, most individuals may not distinguish whether they are suffering from overweight or obesity. This is because they do not have knowledge. It is easy to tell if one is overweight or obese. The two things that may assist one in telling between the two are the body mass index and the size of the waist.

Sleeve gastrectomy is a weight management mechanism. When an individual discovers their body mass index is beyond 30, they should consider this weight management procedure. Morbidly obese individuals are the most suitable candidates for this procedure. It is a type of laparoscopic bariatric procedure that is done commonly. Surgical narrowing of the stomach is what the procedure entails.

This procedure also offers a solution for people with weight-related problems. In this surgery, about 80 to 90 percent of the larger rounded part of the stomach is removed. When it is done, the part that remains assumes the shape of a sleeve or tube, hence the name. The sleeve is then sealed using sutures or staples. The part of the stomach that remains is about 10 to 20 percent of the original size.

This procedure has many advantages. One of them is that when the rounded part of the stomach is removed, the appetite and hunger sensation of the patient reduces drastically. This reduction in appetite and hunger sensation is as a result of removal of ghrelin hormone which is a hunger hormone. Removing part of the stomach simultaneously leads to reduced ghrelin production.

This procedure was originally invented as a stage of gastric bypass surgery on unhealthily obese individuals. On the other hand, surgeons were convinced by its success rate that it can be performed as a procedure on its own. At first patients had a successful weight loss. Today this procedure is done in a number of countries and continents including North America and Asia as a unique weight loss surgery.

The procedure is performed under 1 to 2 hours of invasive operation by a surgeon. The surgeon must be qualified and licensed to perform this kind of procedure. A person can make sure that the surgeon has these qualifications by asking to be shown certificates of operation like license number and registration. It takes 1 to 2 days for a patient to be discharged.

Lastly, this procedure just like any other surgical surgery has its disadvantages. First, once done it is irreversible. Also, patients may develop complications such as bleeding, infection, digestion issues, staple line leaks, and sagging skin caused by rapid loss of weight. The long term effect is the risk of nutrient deficiencies among patients. However, these complications are rare.

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