
Importance Of Well Water Testing And Contamination

By Minnie Whitley

If you happen to get drinking water from a well, it is advisable to get it tested by a lab to be sure if it is safe for you and your household. You do not have to get sick to know the water is not safe. Some health problems are long term and develop over years. This is due to some certain contaminants found in boreholes. Never assume that because your neighbor well is safe after testing that yours is safe too. Some factors that like underground geology and surface, construction of the borehole and the depth determines the its safety. Therefore it is advisable to have regular well water testing.

Water quality changes depend on the season. Plenty of rains, being dry and refilling again and again are among the contributions of changes in quality. Tests are hence vital and acquired results should be kept safely for future reference. One should be responsible for a regular borehole test on his own private borehole.

By ensuring that the crack in the casing are fixed you take an important step to ensure safety. The H2O may look and taste fine but several harmful substances that cannot be tasted or smell is present. These substances include; chemicals and bacteria. The way to the well of such substances can be septic systems, seeping of fertilizers from the surface hence contaminating ground H2O.

The recommended solution which is long term is to take water test on yearly basis. The contaminated H2O has various infectious diseases like dysentery, hepatitis, giardiasis and salmonellosis. The symptoms coming with these diseases include diarrhea, vomiting and nausea. The coliform bacteria testing help in accessing the harmful bacteria.

Such bacteria do not necessarily mean to cause diseases, but their presence confirms surface contamination into the system. If the coliform are found, the H2O should first be boiled before drinking or even cooking and again disinfecting the system. If the sewage is properly maintained it reduces the chances of contaminating the well.

If the results turns out as poor indicating pollution then the well ought to be shunned at all cost until the contaminants are identified and treated and resampled thereafter. The results turn to be an immediate concern on health. Supposing any bacteria is recognized an accountability to treat the aqua before drinking or also using it in food preparation must be well taken. Among the available short term solution is boiling before drinking or pouring water guard products.

To be safe and at peace with your well H2O, long term treatment is valued. There are several methods used to treat the H2O effectively removing various contaminants. The local DWO ought to advise you on the best treatment with regard to the quality of problems identified. The selection of treatment device in use, follow ups and maintenance are the concerns of the private owner.

The moment treatment is cleared it becomes important to do regular sampling so as to ensure safety standards are met. Long term measures should be aimed to do away with all the contaminants so as to ensure good health and a better life.

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