
What To Communicate To Patients During Diabetes Counseling

By Lisa Cole

Diabetes is a metabolic disorder caused by deficiencies in insulin hormone or inability of the body to utilize it. Its hallmark feature is abnormally high levels of blood glucose levels that may lead to immediate or long term complications. Being a chronic condition, patients have to be on medication or have to modify their lives as soon as the diagnosis has been made. In these article, we look at the main issues that should be addressed in diabetes counseling.

The process of counseling is more of an educative session. It is meant to help the patients understand the condition better and how best they can live with. It should be done on a continuous basis since the disease tends to progress with time. It has been observed that patients that undergo regular consoling are likely to be more adherent to drugs and other forms of treatment that are prescribed.

The diagnosis of chronic illnesses is often associated with major psychological stress. Diabetes is no exception. Many patients find it difficult to adjust to new lifestyles after the diagnosis has been made. In some cases, patients have ended up with serious mental illnesses such as depression and anxiety. For everyone diagnosed with the condition, talking to a mental health expert is beneficial.

The need for a proper should be emphasized among both type 1 and type 2 diabetics. A healthy diet will help maintain the sugar levels within normal ranges. Generally, patients should be advised to limit their intake of sugary snacks and sweetened drinks. These foods have been shown to cause sharp spikes in the levels of blood glucose among persons with diabetes. The diet should have lean protein, whole grains, vegetables and fruits.

Weight gain should be avoided at all costs. This is because excessive weight is a known risk factor for insulin resistance and worsening the condition. The patients need to be advised on the weight loss options that they have. Reducing caloric intake is one of the commonly used methods. 800 calories per day is the target. This strategy is effective for the short term and other options should be considered in the long term.

Physical exercise has a major role to play in the management of diabetes. Regular intense physical activity helps in weight loss as well as reducing the levels of blood glucose. The latter effect is achieved due to increased glucose demand by contacting tissues. One should strive to engage themselves in intense physical exercise routines for not less than 30 minutes for five days every week.

Alcohol has a major impact on the levels of blood glucose. Since carbohydrates are a major constituent of alcoholic beverages, their metabolism causes an increase in glucose levels. The situation is likely to be a bit complicated if one is on insulin or oral glucose lowering agents. This is because alcohol and the drugs are all metabolized by the liver. The alcohol overwhelms the liver in some cases making it difficult to break down the drugs. Such drinks should be avoided completely if possible.

Patients need to understand that follow up clinics are an important part of treatment. The clinics give the doctor an opportunity to identify any complications early and to intervene before complications set in. Comprehensive medical checkups should be done at least once every year.

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