
Sacramento Contact Lenses Procuring In An Overview

By Edna Booker

When selecting ordinary spectacles, personal preference is the key factor. However the kind of contact lens you choose will be determined by the diagnosis made by your optometrist. They are prescribed according to your needs. Below are some tips to help you in purchasing Sacramento contact lenses.

The lens come in different types. The rigid type is non-permeable to gases. Generally its use is limited. The other type is the soft kind. Comfort level, health condition of the patient and how clear the vision is are the guiding elements on which one to purchase. The lenses for daily wear are the popular ones. The prolonged wear one can cause damage to your eyes if retained for long periods.

People have irregular working pattern are mostly the candidates for the hard type of contact lens. Regular checkups are a must though. They should remove them before sleeping whenever possible. Going for the disposable kind of soft lens is acclaimed especially for athletes as sporting activities involve quick eye movements. In the event an injury, trauma sustained to the eyes is usually minimal.

Cleaning, disinfecting and rinsing them every day is a must. The cleanser utilized differs from one type to the other. For the soft lens, set in the inside of the hand and add gently the cleanser. Rub cautiously with the finger at the middle until they are clean. Do the same for the next side. The hard type is rubbed by the thumb and also index finger to clean the sides simultaneously. The entire process needs one to minutes for completion.

Rinsing is done to remove all the traces of the cleanser which can cause harm to your eyes. The hard lens are rinsed using tap water while the soft ones are rinsed using sterile bottled saline. The rinsing process follows the same steps as cleaning.

Disinfection is the process that comes after rinsing is over. Hard kind of lens is placed in storage solution for disinfection. Hydrogen peroxide, heat or chemical are used in disinfection of the soft kind. Protein removal is another important procedure to be done on the lens every week. This works to get rid of accumulated proteins from tears. This is extremely important when one is using heat as the disinfection technique as denaturation of protein deposited prior can occur.

Before purchase of the lens care products, the optometrist must be consulted too. The available care products for the hard or rigid oxygen permeable lenses are consistent and simple. There steps to be followed are short and simple too. For the soft lens users sensitive to chemical type of disinfection, a switch to either heat or hydrogen peroxide disinfection can be made.

The prolonged wear kind of lens is susceptible to heat. If hydrogen peroxide method of disinfection seems complex and difficult for you, you may find the chemical one simpler. To note is that hydrogen peroxide cause discoloration to colored lenses.

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