
How Soy Protein Benefits The Body

By Edna Booker

Proteins are an essential part of a balanced diet. Many people think of meat when they think of them but many plants contain high levels of them. Those who have decided not to consume meat and fish need to make sure that they get enough of all the necessary proteins from plants. Soy protein benefits the body in almost the same way as meat because it is complete.

Meat has traditionally been thought of as the main way to get complete proteins into the body and athletes tend to eat a lot of it. However, in recent years there has been a trend away from this as meat also contains harmful elements, especially when it is produced on a large scale. Many are now looking to plants as an alternative and the legume family is now consumed in large quantities instead.

Soy is a legume. This whole family of plants is nutritious and people should eat plenty of them. Legumes are high in proteins, micronutrients, B vitamins, fiber and omega fatty acids. They are also low in fat and cholesterol and so are a great way to get lots of nutrients without the bad stuff.

Western scientists have been interested in the dietary habits of Asian people for many years as they have such excellent health. In the far east people live longer, more active lives with lower levels of disease. This has long been thought due to their lower consumption of meat and higher intake of soy and vegetables.

One of these is that a diet low in meat but high in beans and vegetables leads to lower cholesterol, less cancer and much lower levels of heart disease. Athletes and body builders have been able to use this research to improve their diets and overall performance. Use of supplements has also helped bring about this improvements.

There are lots of ways to get this beneficial food into the diet. Soy products are widely available now. There are lots of processed foods which contain it such as meat substitutes, soy milk, tofu and vegan cheese. These should probably be consumed in moderation as they are highly processed and have been linked to food allergies and digestive issues.

Fermented soy foods are a better option as they are easier to digest and also contain probiotics which aid absorption of nutrients. These are found in a variety of forms such as, miso, tempeh and nattoo. Miso is an extremely versatile ingredient and can be eaten in soup but also used as a flavoring for other meals as it has lots of umami and is almost like beef in its taste.

There are lots of ways to get soy proteins into the body. Drinking shakes after a workout is a great way to help the body recover and build mass. It is also easy to incorporate into the diet. Fermented soy foods are really great for the body as they contain probiotics in addition to the nutrients we have mentioned. These probiotics help with maintenance of the digestive system and absorption of nutrients so that the body gets the benefit of everything consumed.

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