
Facts About Bunion Surgery San Francisco

By Amanda Baird

The majority of bunions are able to be treated without the need for any form of surgical procedure. There however are instances when non surgical treatments are not sufficient, in which case surgery comes out as the best option. Whether or not surgical operation is the best option to go by is informed by orthopedic surgeons. In consideration of bunion surgery San Francisco residents ought to understand the whole procedure clearly.

Bunions are enlargements of tissues or bones that are located around joints at the bottom section of the big toe. It is also possible for the enlargement to take place adjacent to the base of the small toe. Whenever joints go through stress over a lengthy period of time, this condition occurs. It mostly occurs in ladies because they are the ones that tend to wear tight and confined shoes. Beyond that, it is also genetic and is thus able to spread to people whose family have the history. Further, people suffering from arthritis are more likely to suffer from them.

There are many types of surgery, and for every infection a different one is used. This depends on the severity of the condition, the level of activity of the patient, their general health and their age. It is also important to consider the condition of their bones and tissues.

There are mild or weak bunions whose surgery entails removal of portions of bones that are enlarged. After this is done, the muscles get realigned, as well as ligaments and tendons surrounding the joints. As for moderate bunions, the bones are cut and shifted into proper position. Depending on the location and severity of the deformity, there may be need to cut the bone.

If the bunions are severe, the surgical operation involves eradication of bone portions that are enlarged, the bones could get cut and realigned in addition to correction of tendons and ligaments. At certain times, the affected joints could be damaged such that they cannot get repaired as is the case when one is suffering from arthritis. This may call for reconstruction or replacement with artificial ones.

Reasons to undergo this surgical procedure include foot pain that results even when one is walking or putting on shoes that are flat and comfortable. Surgeries may also be recommended when chronic toe inflammation fails to subside even after one uses medications. Other reasons that call for surgical operations are toe deformity, inability to bend the big toe and drifting of the big toe towards the small one.

Similar to other forms of surgery, there are bound to be complications at times. After the operation, one could suffer from stiffness, infections, delayed healing or numbness. Other complications that may be experienced include recurrence of the bunions, nerve damage and continued pain. If one experiences any such complications, the doctor has to be notified at once.

In consideration of bunion surgery San Francisco surgeons give instruction that govern recovery. The process of recovery and the length of time it takes depends on the type of anesthesia given. Exercises and physical therapy would further accelerate healing.

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