
Many Pill Manufacturers Rely On Liposomal Encapsulation

By Ida Dorsey

Sometime, you need something far more specific, than just an over the counter pain relief pill. Liposomal encapsulation technology even has a do it yourself group. This is where they get together and throw out new ideas and report on results. It was found that by doing it this way one does not have to go through the complex route of formulating drug carrying liposomes. These are more commonly carried out in laboratories around the world.

A liposome is a circular vesicle made up of double layers and is liquid filled bubbles made from phospholipids. These are then used as a means of transportation for administering certain thick pharmaceutical drugs and nutrients. These drugs are a chemical substance made as a single active ingredient. They are normally packed in separate single packs and are used for external, internal as well as for all treatments, cures, and medical identifications.

When ultrasonic waves are produced the sound waves then break up the lipids causing the liposome to trap the watery drug. Working outside a laboratory helps to save money and also improve one's health. There is a book available that will help those budding scientists to create this new technology themselves.

The reason that people need to have vitamin C in their diet is because it helps to protect the cells from damage that is caused by free radicals. These radicals make their way through the body into the cells causing tissue damage, some diseases as well as aging. They are very unstable and in order to survive need to bond with other molecules which will damage the healthier ones even more.

It also helps to keep ones immune system healthy and supports collagen production which is essential for healthy looking skin and well as muscles and joints. It also helps to promote muscle repair and keeps gums looking well. They are also used by people that are on a Vegan, Paleo and Zone diet.

It is one of the safest nutrients and is known to help with the cure of the common cold as well as some more serious complications. It is great in helping with cardiovascular disease as well as prenatal health and eye problems. It is also believed that it might help with the prevention of cancers and getting strokes not to mention the fact that is can help to lengthen ones life span.

Having been diagnosed with cancer a blood count is done which is a very important part of the therapy. This is because they can harm the cells that are situated in the bone marrow, where blood is produced. Everyone knows that the red blood cells are the ones that ensure that oxygen is delivered to the tissues. Without this one can get anaemia which can make one feel exhausted.

Liposomal encapsulation employs a phospholipids liposome to create a resistance that repels the unhelpful actions of the digestive juices as well as the free radicals of the body. These kinds of protection will last from the time the nutrients reach the GI tract until the contents has reached its target. They are absorbed by the cells and transferred into the intracellular spaces.

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